Madhav India Stonex , a reputed Monte Cristo granite supplier and exporter from India, it offers white granite products at extremely competitive prices and various edges and finishes. In addition to standard thicknesses and sizes, B2B buyers can expect the availability of this granite product in a white hue in standard and customized dimensions.

Additional names: Monte Kristo Granite, Monte Cristo Bianco Granite

Basically a North Indian Granite , Monte Cristo has an eye-soothing base in snow-white color. Streaks and patches in light grey and dark brown give an amazing appearance to this granite. A popular natural stone for flooring, kitchen countertops, and islands as well as bathroom installations; Monte Cristo stone product is the best suited for areas that are highly spacious.

For an inquiry on this granite product, fill out the form and get a real-time solution in the least amount of time.

SKU: MIS116 Category:

Additional information


North India


White and grey

Gangsaw Slab

260 x 160 cm up in 2 & 3 cm

Cutter Slab

180 x 60 cm up in 2 & 3 cm


30 x 30 , 30 x 60, 60 x 60 cm




2-3 CM


Flamed, Polished, Lepatora, Honed,

Brushed, Bush

Hammered and Leather"


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